Awarded :
2320 USD
About this Prize
We can build AI voices for nature entities.
You could have a conversation with a river or a forest.
It will be trained on environmental science research papers and have access to live data showing the health of the natural body.
Then we could join chat rooms with them and even see their conversations with one another.
We would come full circle from when we were hunter gatherers talking with the spirit of forests and rivers.
We can also have an LLM trained on board meeting notes of a corporation and live data from it and then add that corporation to the chat room and have it argue with the rivers and forests and try to think of solutions to stop hurting each other.
If you have meeting notes from a local city's town halls and census data of their health then you can also add them to the chat.
The end state to achieve to win this prize is having an AI trained on research papers about a particular nature entity, has access to up to date health data, and a user can chat with it.
Marijana Lemm, Jasmine Alakari, Danilo Olivaraz, Noah Chon Lee, Samuel Oh, Marcilo Barbosa, Remy Hall, Daehyun PaikGordon Berge, Patricia Brolezzi, Danilo Kim & Julie Zhang