About this Prize
Create or improve zapps (open-source community coordination tools) as public goods that may be used as infrastructure for a network state.
Some needs that we identified at Zuzalu include:
- Housing tools that allow one to easily track who paid for which accomodation, shift where people are staying in a system, and allow users to show which dates they will be absent and have empty rooms (See Tripsha here https://github.com/tripsha-labs/api and their design here and housing tetris that was half-built during Zuzalu here https://github.com/zuzalu-housing/tetris and their write-up here https://docs.google.com/document/d/19ynHjnDVdq8TDR3FxtRq1qW0KfbI-5h7DV5FYIQW5Zw/edit)
We are in particular trying to have a good housing coordination tool in time for Zuconnect 2 week Zuzalu gathering October 30-November 13 in Istanbul.
- Zuzapp, the zuzalu website 2.0 and the all in one community coordinator's toolkit/collection of zapps (see the design here: https://ordinary-empathy-025212.framer.app/)
- DID system and token-gating other zapps using this system (See Zupass built by the PCD team: https://github.com/proofcarryingdata/zupass)
- Token-gated document database that has a simple login (See Skiff here https://github.com/skiff-org which currently has very confusing logins and oftentimes users are accidentally creating multiple custom emails to login)
- viaPrize itself grew out of Zuzalu. We are interested in adding predictions as a type of crowdfunding campaign, creating web3 pass-through funding campaigns like gofundme, and integrating with github kanban board so issues could be "bountified" and posted to the platform with a click. We would welcome hackers to add it to our open source code! (https://github.com/viaprize/viaprize and our design here https://www.figma.com/file/O8skRsB0qM02KiyqNNZFNw/viaPrize?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=FKPtiCLzNJyVibgJ-0 )
- Token-gated chat groups (See Zucast https://github.com/dcposch/zucast)
- Rubber Ducky AI assistant (See https://github.com/publu/chatbot_public)
- Quadratic voting (See Zupoll https://github.com/proofcarryingdata/zupoll and zuzalu.network https://github.com/PluralCC/plural-discourse)
- Token-gated calendar (See https://github.com/zuzaluorg/zuzalu and https://github.com/kazad/pastecal)
- Increasing serendipitous meetups and schelling points by allowing users to join a group and add their itinerary as a gantt timeline, opt-in to show their approximate live location on a map, and perhaps have a timeline slider on the map so you may see how dots of where people plan to be shift around for various dates. (See UseSpaceTime.com https://replit.com/@OliverSauter/SpaceTime-Zuzalu-Fork. We also own the nomadmeetup.com domain)
Contact @noahchonlee on tg to know more about these ideas
Feel free to hack on those concepts or come up with your own! We intend to test these out during ZuConnect in Istanbul at the start of November and to collect zapps together into "zuzapp" as the next Zuzalu website and a toolkit for community coordination.
12pm SGT 15 Sep, 2023
Judging Criteria
Utility (1-10 points)
Does the project add real value and solve an existing problem for any communities?
Is the concept feasible?
User Experience and Design (1-10 points)
Is the project visually appealing and easy to use?
Novelty (1-5 points)
Does the project develop parts from scratch or a new combination of open source components?
Does it approach a problem in a new manner?
Presentation and Pitch (1-10 points)
How effectively did the team communicate their project, findings, and outcomes?
Was the presentation clear, concise, and engaging?